Joy Almond, Main Street Manager 704-984-9420

Our Services

Promoting & Marketing

  • Marketing of available properties located in the Municipal Service District (MSD). Properties are listed on the ADDC website under the ‘Available Properties’ link, ADDC signage available to place in windows of vacant storefronts
  • Downtown Appearance Awards-Awarded quarterly by the ADDC’s Design Committee
  • Business promotions-sharing social media posts from Downtown businesses, Downtown savings coupon sheets to distribute at select events
  • Co-marketing initiatives with community partners, i.e City of Albemarle, Stanly Chamber, etc.
  • Sponsorship recognition at events and on event websites & social media

Downtown Events

Albemarle Downtown Development Corporation plays a major role in events happening Downtown. Some of these activities raise money to help the ADDC further our mission, others to activate our Downtown business district and cultivate pride in our community.

In-kind support, resources and Downtown Business promotion for other downtown events

Property Management

The ADDC owns, manages and maintains Market Station, an event venue which consists of the city’s historic train depot, along with an open air market space which is home to the Stanly County Farmers Market. Visit the venue website for more information on rental rates and availability.

Courthouse Square Park, located in the heart of Downtown, is also managed and maintained collaboratively by the ADDC and City of Albemarle. Liberty Gardens, originally constructed as a 9/11 memorial, serves as a place to honor and remember those who have served our city, county, state and country.

Economic Development & Design

Want to open a business in Downtown Albemarle? Contact the ADDC office at and let our experts help you find the right property. We can walk you through the necessary steps to open your Downtown business as well as offset some of your costs with our matching grant programs: 

Neighborhood & Public Engagements

  • Ongoing communication with downtown businesses in person and through phone and email correspondence
  • Speaking, advocating, and promoting for the ADDC at City Council, neighborhood, and organizational meetings

Get In Touch

144 N Second St. Albemarle, NC 28001

Mailing Address:
PO Box 2123 Albemarle, NC 28002

Telephone: 704-984-9415


Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm