Crawl Stops
Visit these participating businesses for complimentary snacks,
beverages, and store specials from 5-9pm:
Stanly Aesthetics (Guest Check in 5-7pm)
Merle Norman/SB Boutique
Humbled Wellness
FNDTN Beauty
Tomahawk Throwing Range
LiviBug's Boutique
Starnes/Bramlett Jewelers
Make It Personal
Humble Honey Salon
Seven Pines Massage
Lily's on Main
Luna + Everest
Armadillo Axe Throwing (Crawl Stop 5-7, After-Party 7-10)
Ticket Sales
Please note: General Admission has SOLD OUT
General Admission: Gives guests the 'Sip and Shop' experience from 5-9 pm.
Please note: VIP Admission has SOLD OUT
VIP Admission: Guests enjoy the 'Sip and Shop' crawl and the After-Party, 5-10 pm. After-party at Armadillo Axe Throwing includes dinner, DJ, and door prize drawings.
Tickets are first come/first serve. 70 general admission tickets are available, and 80 VIP tickets are available for the Ladies Fall Crawl. Event is rain or shine, no refunds.
The Ladies Fall Crawl is a fundraiser hosted by Albemarle Downtown Development Corporation (ADDC) to support small businesses, fund downtown beautification projects events, and economic development initiatives in our downtown district. Thank you for your support.